Hello! I hope you are well, I am VocaloidEX and I will tell you my future projects that I will upload to this beautiful page, before I start I want to thank you all for the support of my animations, I am sincerely happy :')
Well, now if I start to put the future projects, I will put them in order (Games, Movies, Audio and Art)
Ok, Let' Go!
I do not know an application where you can make android games to upload here
I have many ideas for animations with FlipaClip, I'm doing 3 animations and one that is special
Here will only put the titles of future songs xD
Black Coast - TRNDSTTR (VocaloidEX Remix)
Hatsune Miku - No Shoushitsu (VocaloidEX Remix)
VocaloidEX - VocaloidERZ
The ChainSmokers - Don't let me down (VocaloidEX Remix)
That's what there will be ... for now :3
I do not think I make drawings, when I uploaded a drawing of Miku, newgrounds I delete it :c
A friend and I are creating a Discord server for the people of this community :)
Well, this is it, I see them in the next and thanks for reading everything ^3^